Interracial Cuckolding

Miss Ireland Draws Ire in Eire

Miss Ireland Interracial Cuckoldress

Miss Ireland, Emma Waldron, is drawing ire in Eire for her interracial relationship with Nigerian black stud, Manners Oshafi. Ireland hasn’t been the popular interracial hotbed of ebony and ivory liaisons, whereas in Britain the hottest babes, beauty queens and glamour girls actively seek out black men for interracial sex and romantic relationships. In Britain, black cock size queens are cuckolding a nation of whitebois who can only lust over the cuckoldresses they can never have.

Is Ireland next? Will Miss Ireland set a well-publicized precedent for preference for BBC as in Big Black Cock? Throughout history, some of the North Sea island nations have been the most fierce about racial purity. Ireland, Iceland and Greenland have been known for defending the Moors and Blacks and keeping them from mixing with the women in their population. There has even been some discrimination against the Black Irish, those who descended from Moorish genetics from conquerors of centuries ago.

Miss Ireland has been getting harassed on the internet for pursuing her relationship with her African boyfriend, but she won’t back down, nor should she. She is also clearly drawing ire because of her fierce interracial cuckoldress stance. A cuckoldress can cuckold an individual, but as illustrated, a cuckoldress can cuckold an entire nation of whitebois by choosing superior black cock over inferior white willie. So while Irish men may be trying to resist submitting to this interracial cuckold / cuckoldress relationship dynamic, it’s only a matter of time before more high profile interracial relationships prevail. And only a matter of time before interracial lust sets in and cuckold sexual excitement prevails.

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